A Study On The Short Message Service (SMS) As A Communication Mode

A Study On The Short Message Service (SMS) As A Communication Mode
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Язык: Русский
The communication preferences among the deaf students using the mobile phones compared with the normal students & to identify the enhancement of communication ability by using SMS(SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE)in literate deaf students. It was found that in normal’s there was not much difference between males and females. There was a very strong difference among deaf students, where 85% of the male and 15% of female indicating the strong lack of enthusiasm among female deaf students in perceiving the college education. SMS is helping the deaf students to communicate friends and peers who are away from them, where as in their own community it is the sign language that is easier during face to face communication. When compared to normal, the deaf students replied much faster to SMS. Through SMS the deaf students have increased their social activities and friends circle.


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