Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment

Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment
Раздел: Hart Publishing
Доступно в форматах: EPUB | PDF | FB2
Язык: Русский
For the global economy, corruption is dangerous. The consequence is economic decay, not development. And that's why corruption demands a truly global response, one that knows no limits on collaboration. (US Attorney General Eric H. Holder at the OECD in May 2010). The fight against corruption and bribery is backed by numerous global and regional agreements and conventions, supplemented by national legislation and practice, such as the Convention of the OECD on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997), the UN Convention against Corruption (2005), the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (1997), the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe (2002), the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (2006) and many more. Although most countries use their best endeavours to reduce corruption within their jurisdiction, the effects of the measures taken still vary from country to country. This book undertakes the task of giving a compact overview of the legal framework and practices of implementation in more than 150 countries worldwide, based on a uniform questionnaire. The reports of about 50 countries with the highest turnover in foreign trade are provided in print; a CD-ROM with the unprinted reports is included in the book. ·Both compact and comprehensive ·Thanks to the uniform questionnaire the reports are easy to access and compare ·Focus is laid on practice.


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