Applications of Remote Sensing in the Forests

Applications of Remote Sensing in the Forests
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Язык: Русский
Forest cover change detection based on remotely sensed data has been established as indispensible tool for providing suitable and wide-ranging information to decision support system for forest management and sustainable development. Indeed, the adverse environmental events or excessive human intervention, habitat loss, and species threaten are seriously affects the forest. These may lead to serious trouble and increasing impact on sustainable forest management, therefore, forest cover changes have drawn increasing attention in recent years due to tremendous effects on environment, human and wildlife, ecosystem functions, weather and climate. So it is very important to protect environment and forest resources to monitor forest cover change accurately and timely. The technology of satellite remote sensing becomes a powerful tools and sophisticated system by being able to cover large areas, frequently, at a reasonable cost. This book provides students, teachers, researchers and others beneficiaries’ principles for applying these sciences in the forest cover change.


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