At the Cultural Crossroads

At the Cultural Crossroads
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Язык: Русский
This book raises significant questions related to cross-cultural management, human resources policies, business ethics, and intercultural values through the study of Chinese companies in Middle Africa. Based on the five cross-cultural dimensions developed by G. Hofstede (2001, 2008), it increases our understanding of Chinese companies’ management practices and related intercultural problems. Moreover, this book allows identifying and differentiating which traditional cultural values are dominant among Middle Africans and Chinese working in Middle Africa, respectively. The findings and implications of this study aim to enhance Chinese and other foreign companies operating in Middle Africa to implement better cross-cultural and management strategies. In addition, it offers practical guidelines to have a better understanding of culture diversity between Chinese and Middle Africans. This study will help foreign companies in Middle Africa to foster their growth, and to achieve success, employee development and wellness.


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