Child's trafficking in Nigeria

Child's trafficking in Nigeria
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Shorttitle Child trafficking in whichever form is a social problem that is fast eating into the fabric of our national development, Nigeria. This study specifically examined the Public – Police Cooperation and Enforcement of Anti – Child trafficking laws in Ilorin, Kwara State. To achieve this objective, the study examined the relationship between the level of education and involvement in child – trafficking, the willingness of the public to co- operate with the police in enforcing anti – trafficking laws, impediments to public willingness to report child – trafficking, the level of police readiness and capacity to enforce anti – child trafficking laws, and assessment of the socio – demographic variables of the trafficked children. The study adopted descriptive survey research method with samples drawn randomly in Ilorin metropolis. A total of ninety eight (98) police and eighty public respondents were selected. Self administered questionnaire and interview schedule were utilized in securing the opinion of selected respondents. The collation and summary of the data were achieved through frequency counts and tables. The study did not generate hypotheses


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