Cognition of Competitive Environments: A Strategic Group Analysis

Cognition of Competitive Environments: A Strategic Group Analysis
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Язык: Русский
This study investigates the concept of strategic groups from a cognitive perspective. The aim of this research study was to identify and examine the differences and similarities of managerial cognitions of competitive environments from a strategic group perspective, by investigating closely two distinctive and different strategic groups; the “Big Four” players in the industry and the Internet-based new entrants. As such, it investigates the effect of such cognitions on strategic group dynamics and evaluates the impact of these managerial perceptions on member firms’ structure, competitive behaviour and performance and profitability. In the process of doing so, it discusses the dynamics of competitive landscapes and provides guidance to decision makers of what to do in order to ensure organisational strategic fit and competitive advantage(s). The book is relevant to anyone who wishes to increase their understanding in the area of business strategy and it is particularly useful to decision makers in the context of business.


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