Collaborative System

Collaborative System
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Язык: Русский
Nowadays, with the rapid introduction of new technologies, new and more robust document management systems are being made. But the problem is that not all document management systems are free. This project aims at developing a collaborative systems which will be usable for everyone in the university and which will be free. This system will be developed using PHP as the main programming language. There will be three major parts in this project namely a register/login part, a document management part and a chat part. As a database, the system will be using XAMPP which is more reliable and more easily used. But overall, all about the system will be written in PHP. PHP is the most used language in web-based system nowadays. That is why PHP was opted. This development of a ‘Collaborative System for UoM students’ is intended to facilitate the sharing of documents in order to save time of busy students and seniors.


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