Condom Programming in Bangladesh - A Rapid Needs Assessment

Condom Programming in Bangladesh - A Rapid Needs Assessment
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Язык: Русский
Condom programming is the major part of UNFPA’s efforts to contain spread of HIV/AIDS/STD worldwide. As a part of four-country (Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, and Kenya) study, the present study attempts first to review the availability and use of condom in the context of HIV/AIDS and STIs situation in Bangladesh, then examines and critically analyses the factors affecting condom programming in Bangladesh in terms of procurement, distribution and promotional activities. It tries to generalise that. This study concluded that despite condom is widely and easily available in Bangladesh for more than four decades, so far, use and promotion of condom in Bangladesh has been largely for family planning purposes. Absence of policy for distributing and promoting condom for dual protection, sure to be a major hinders to contain the STI and HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh.


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