Deforestation and climate impact in the Pantanal of Nhecolandia

Deforestation and climate impact in the Pantanal of Nhecolandia
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Язык: Русский
The Pantanal is a region of distinct landscapes and fauna of great importance being considered by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve. The Pantanal of Nhecolandia is regarded as the region that suffered most deforestation among other Pantanal regions. The Nhecolandia is one of the regions of Brazil with high meat production, leading the farmers to continuously deforest large areas of trees and “cordilheiras” to increase the pasture for livestock. Studies related to a geographical character of an area has been supported by the geographic information systems and remote sensing, especially when it comes to map the changes in land use and occupation. Using the available tools of the highest existing technologies in our planet, this book aimed at seeking a relationship between deforestation in the Pantanal region of Nhecolandia with a climate impact caused by this activity through statistical techniques applications looking for a correlation between the variables provided by the Brazilian Institute of Meteorology and the techniques of geographic information systems along with the science of remote sensing.


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