DNA Sequencing and Gene Cloning

DNA Sequencing and Gene Cloning
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Язык: Русский
The 21th century has been called century of biotechnology. It is the field at the cutting edge of science. The exponential increase in the quantity of scientific information and the rate, at which new discoveries were made, requires very elaborate, interdisciplinary and update information and their understanding. DNA Sequencing and Gene Cloning – An introduction covers various topics related with DNA sequencing and amplification in vivo and in vitro, updated knowledge of types of DNA sequencing and their applications. In Gene Cloning section it contain all aspects related to it including how gene cloning is important and at which step it is important in molecular project. This book also contains some mathematical conversions which are important for a biology lab. So that this book is very fruitful to all students who like to get information about sequencing and DNA amplification in vitro and in vivo environment.


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