Does Science Promotion Work in Schools?

Does Science Promotion Work in Schools?
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The aims of the Promotion of Chemistry in Schools Project (PCSP) include the design, implementation and evaluation of an intervention strategy that challenges the traditional methods of teaching Science. This book examines the question: What factors affecting enrolments may be influenced by promotions in Science? The main component of the intervention is a Chemical Magic Show. The PCSP also aims to investigate the attitudes and interests of Irish students (14-16 years) towards the sciences and factors that may influence their subject choice at senior cycle. The findings indicate that the Chemical Magic Show is an empirically supported intervention effective as a means of promoting interest in Chemistry. As a stand-alone effort however, it will not be successful at increasing Leaving Certificate enrolments in Chemistry because interest is not the dominant factor affecting subject choice. Relevance and career value appear to be more influential. This research provides information that can be used to improve subsequent initiatives and valuable insight into students’ opinions and attitudes towards Science, Chemistry in particular.


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