Ecology,Trade and Conservation of Lovebird Agapornis pullaria

Ecology,Trade and Conservation of Lovebird Agapornis pullaria
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Язык: Русский
The philosophy of the text is based on our conviction that lovebird’s Ecology Trade and conservation serves different goals in education of students and biodiversity conservation for generation yet unborn because lovebirds are excellent biodiversity indicators, most beautiful and exciting bird species with high touristic potential. Human activities such as commercial harvesting of lovebird, intensive agriculture and excessive exploitation of timber and other flora resources pose imminent danger to the said species. However, this text must provide students with a sound foundation in basic facts and concepts of monitoring bird species distribution, abundance and habitat preference using point count census technique and a step point line transect to determine floristic composition.In doing so, it equally incorporates diameter at girth size of tree species using Point-centered quarter method as a parameter to assess the impact of human activities on lovebird, in addition to supply of Lovebirds. Consequently, it is characterized by unbalanced analysis of variance, unbalanced analysis using regression,three-way analysis of variance and pearson correlation test to enhance analytical skill


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