F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby/Tender is the Night

F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby/Tender is the Night
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Язык: Русский
The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night are F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-known novels. They draw on Fitzgerald's own vivid experiences in the 1920s but transform them into art. This stimulating introductory guide analyses their accomplished style and their concern with the promise and perplexity of modern life.Part I of this indispensable study:• provides interesting and informed close readings of key passages• examines how each novel starts and ends• discusses key themes of society, money, gender and trauma• outlines the methods of analysis and offers suggestions for further work.Part II supplies essential background material, including:• an account of Fitzgerald's life• a survey of historical, cultural and literary contexts• samples of significant criticism.Also featuring a helpful Further Reading section, this volume equips readers with the critical and analytical skills which will enable them to enjoy and explore both novels for themselves.


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