Gender Transformation and Economic Development

Gender Transformation and Economic Development
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Язык: Русский
In recent decades, statuses of women’s edification and wellbeing have improved significantly. But in many parts of the world, women are still failing in several fields. They continue to lack voice and administrative ability in the household and in society; and their economic prospects remains very embarrassed. This inequality is manifestly unfair. At the same time, under-investing in girls and women puts a brake on poverty reduction and limits economic and social development. However, in last few decades, feminism revolution called attention to the relationship between gender transformation and economic development. One concern of these efforts is to gain a better perceptive of interlink between economic improvement on gender inequalities. Despite the popular nature of this debate, there have been few studies of the impact of economic development and changes in the condition of women over time. This book provides a concise, accessible introduction to gender and development issues in India.


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