Hierarchical Fuzzy Control for Industrial Automation

Hierarchical Fuzzy Control for Industrial Automation
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In this study, a new hierarchical approach to the simplification of multi-input Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is presented. Object Oriented Methodology (OOM) has been used for the software implementation of the conventional FLC and the Hierarchical Fuzzy Controller (HFC). A new class, called fuzset, has been created for computations using fuzzy sets, using the primitive data types – integer and float. This class forms a part of a class library for fuzzy operations. Also an attempt has been made to migrate to the windows environment using the concepts of Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) and Object Windows Library (OWL). Practical FLC and HFC controllers were implemented using the OOM and its performance in respect of code size and memory was compared with those implemented using the procedural ‘C’ language. The results show that the HFC, which has been implemented using the proposed OOM, performs better than its conventional counterparts in terms of less rise time and less overshoot. A mathematical description of the outlined procedure makes easy the passage from the original reference algorithm to the simplified controller algorithms of the HFC structure.


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