Insect Pests of Soybean and Their Management

Insect Pests of Soybean and Their Management
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Язык: Русский
Soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill is a world’s leading legume crop with 38-44 per cent protein, 18-22 per cent oil, good amount of minerals and vitamins. Among different factors influencing the low soybean yield, the role of insect pest is of utmost importance which significantly and adversely affects the production. A variety of insect pests are attacking on soybean crop. The pest status of several key insect pests under qualitative and quantitative changes depending upon agro-climatic factors which ultimately govern their population are included in this book. The location specific studies are done for investigate the present scenario of insect pests of soybean in Indian conditions. A large number of insecticidal recommendations exist in the package and practices against insect pests infesting soybean in the region. Thus, bioefficacy of some newer insecticides against insect pests of soybean under field conditions has been done and the results are incorporate in this book. The residual toxicity of some newer insecticides are evaluated and their effects on plant health (phytotoxic and phytotonic effect) are also included in this book.


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