Inventory on Job Description of Nurse Managers in Developing Countries

Inventory on Job Description of Nurse Managers in Developing Countries
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The nurse manager is an indomitable figure in any health care setting. He or She bears the image of the hospital. Going to great lengths to ensure the smooth running of the institution amidst daunting challenges. There seems to be an apparent disharmony between the supporting structures available for her most of the time as well as the system she supports. An Inventory Into The Job Description of Nurse managers’ attempts to bring out these inconsistencies, as applies mainly to developing countries. The findings are based on a case study of a level six hospital in Kenya. We can draw hardy lessons from it, to inform policy makers in health and influence curricula in nursing education. More critically though, it is an attempt to better the lot,calling for streamlining of the job description of the Nurse Manager. It advocates for better terms of service for all nurses commensurate to the roles they play. A Favorite quote “This world is full of people who do their duty half-heartedly, grudgingly and poorly. Don’t be like them. Whatever is your duty, do it as fully and perfectly as you possibly can…” Dr Geoffrey Griffins (1933-2005), founder of Starehe Boys’ Centre, Kenya


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