Islamic Law and International Parental Child Abduction

Islamic Law and International Parental Child Abduction
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Язык: Русский
International Parental Child Abduction is a harsh action of one parent, who usually belongs to another country by nationality or residence. Post marital disputes, a normal phenomenon of family life, may be solved unilaterally by one parent disappearing with all or some of the kids and taking refuge in his or her homeland. With modern global openness Muslims, traveling to this country or other for various reasons, may get married to spouses from the countries they have visited or lived in. In most cases they choose to live in the husband’s country. The reverse is also true.However, in the heat of possible family disputes, crossing the borders home with the children will satisfy the angered parent and appears like finding a lifebuoy in an angry ocean. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction tries to bring the world family to agreement as to the appropriate and conformed solution of such unfair game by one parent towards both the other parent and the children. The merger of religion and law makes the position of Muslim countries towards this important treaty blurred.This Book tries to suggest feasible solutions.


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