Latest on Osteoarthritis and Myalgia

Latest on Osteoarthritis and Myalgia
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The Myalgic and Musculoskeletal problems pose a major challenge.Today’s Research on these Medical Problems, being done in the West, is looking at it from an angle that may be questionable. Clinical results of treatment of these problems with the newly introduced technique of “Unmasking and treating the underlying problem” has revealed that Pain knee is not due to Osteo-Arthritic changes inside the Knee proper but due to Trigger spots outside the joint with pain referred to the joint proper. This work has to certain extent negated that the pain knee generally termed as Osteoarthritis is due to narrowing of the joint space, reduction in the surface cartilage and due to drying up of the synovial fluids.The main concept is that this work has proved that the conventional concepts for Pain Knee joint/ Chronic Low Back Pain/ Cervical Spondylosis are not valid. Worth reading. The findings that are presented may create a revolution in the treatment of Myalgic and musculoskeletal Problems and may altogether change the concepts in certain parts of Rheumatology. The book is being recommended for all the Physicians and Researchers dealing with the subject.


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