Multimodal Transports

Multimodal Transports
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Although this work was done and turned into the shipping industry, there are many other aspects inserted in this work to the other types of carriages. You will check out that the wording and purpose was not an ambitious project. This was done basically to facilitate maybe the daily basis of people who are intent on being on field. Also Eventhough it was a Masters final thesis in law, I wanted to keep it simple for ordinary people as such. The problems involving Multimodal Transports is risen usually when different jurisdictions and backgrounds hit the practice in its routine. Papers are usually different, ways of managing is also a problem, but the background is the main issue even more when it comes to a judicial process.There are a variety of agreements and treats between developed countries exclusively for Multimodal Transports so it flows smoother. However when acrossing between countries (i.e:.developed versus developing country) that have no agreements, treats and even less the same procedures while handling and transferring goods from a carriage to another, then it becomes a massive problem everyday when it ends up with damaged goods. Who’s going to be responsible for that?


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