Organizational Climate And Employees Organizational Commitment

Organizational Climate And Employees Organizational Commitment
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From human Relation approach, Employees are the most important asset in organization. This implies that, in order to more effective; organization has to accept employees as the most component of organization. As organizational climate is related to perception of employees toward their organization practices policies, reward and working environment it can affect organization success. Organizational climate influences the morale & attitude of individual towards his work & his environment and it designates the quality of co-operation, the extent of member‘s commitment to organizational purpose & the efficiency with which the purpose becomes translated into results. On the other hand,. the extent to which the employee demonstrate a strong desire to remain the member of the organization, the degree of willingness to exert high level of efforts for organization and belief and acceptance of the major goals and values of the organization ,which is organizational commitment is another the factors that affect organizational success.


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