Perceived Self-Esteem of Nursing Students with Obesity
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Obesity among adolescents and those 19 years and older has tripled for the past 30 years. The Philippines is one such country in the midst of a rapid shift in diet and physical activity patterns that are contributory to rise in obesity, hypertension and related problems. Although many studies have extensively discussed the relationship of obesity to perceived self-esteem of adolescents, there is still a lack of research regarding how obesity influence the self-esteem of nursing students. As future health care providers, they have a critical role to play in the effective implementation of healthy behaviors. As such, they too must develop an understanding and awareness of one’s self and the multifactorial dimensions of their lives in the assumption of roles and responsibilities that may affect health and well-being.By determining the relationship between personal and socioeconomic profile of obese nursing students and their perceived self-esteem, the study would help to examine the psychological well-being of these individuals.
Руслан, Нижний Новгород,
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