Real-Time Construction Project Performance Assessment

Real-Time Construction Project Performance Assessment
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Язык: Русский
Construction industry development depends on a deliberate effort to improve upon the performance of projects being implemented. This requires measuring the performance of key activities on projects using indicators that truly reflect the perspective of key stakeholders. Acknowledging the weaknesses in existing indicators, this book proposes a paradigm shift in both the existing measurement philosophy and the Approaches:(i) moving away from expecting “project autopsy reports” towards “project health reports” (ii) moving away from considering the outcomes of a project in terms of the success/failure dichotomy into project performance results in identifiable criteria and (iii) acknowledging the uniqueness of every project and the contingency factors which calls for contingency measures of assessment. A contingency-based assessment tool is designed which could be used to assess construction project performance throughout its life cycle, to identify the factors at play and which will provide the necessary information to facilitate project management decisions. The tool also documents all relevant events which are invaluable for learning and improvements on current and future projects


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