Realizing Human Rights

Realizing Human Rights
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The 21st Century is highly complex. The return on investment, be it public sector or corporate is measured in terms of material returns than in terms of human development. Human beings are most neglected. Now the question is - “Does the declaration of Human Rights by the UN ensure Human Rights?” Respect for Human Rights demands not only Awareness of Human Rights, but also, favorable attitude towards Human Rights. The vision of Human Rights Declaration by the UN will be realized only when these Rights are internalized and valuably inclined by the entire globe.The present volume includes the doctoral work of Ms. Mamta Sheth on designing, developing and implementing an Educational Program on Human Rights for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers. The study has very well demonstrated that how the understanding of Human Rights was enhanced among the Teachers. The Educational Program on Human Rights was found to be effective in developing favorable attitudes of the Teachers. Also, the Program developed by the investigator could significantly initiate the teachers in the areas of Case Studies on Human Rights. Hope the State, Society, Judiciary, Education and all will value this volume.


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