Respiratory Tract Infections

Respiratory Tract Infections
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Язык: Русский
The 21st century faces massive problems from micro organisms of all types. They are the causative agents of dreadful diseases that continue to kill millions of people each year. Respiratory tract infections are one of the many other major problems that challenge health care services throughout the World. This book tries to capture the field of clinical microbiology with respect to respiratory tract infections in its wholesome entirety in a manner that is concise and easily understood by the students. It is an effort to link fundamental microbiology concepts with the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tract infections. This one-of-a-kind text delivers an essential overview of the organisms and agents involved in upper respiratory tract infections. In addition to brief descriptions of organisms, it will describe vital perspectives on pathogenesis, diagnostic laboratory tests, clinical findings and treatment. The book’s purpose is to introduce basic clinical microbiology through the fields of bacteriology giving a far-reaching, authoritative, comprehensive and clearly written account of the subject to provide unrivaled value to students World wide.


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