Roan antelope population and habitat evaluation in Ruma National Park

Roan antelope population and habitat evaluation in Ruma National Park
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Язык: Русский
Evaluation of habitat and population is a prerequisite for formulating effective habitat management and population recovery interventions for sustainable conservation of endangered species. Mapping using GIS techniques and Landsat imageries is an effective method for habitat evaluation whilst modelling offers a powerful tool for understanding the species-habitat relationships and population dynamics. This book provides interventions for saving Kenya’s roan antelope from extinction. It specifically answers six research questions: 1) what factors are threatening roan and other antelope populations in Ruma National Park (RNP) and how can these threats be mitigated?; 2) what sampling protocols and analytical methods are cost-effective and accurate for monitoring the roan’s movement and distribution patterns; 3) what features characterize a suitable habitat for the roan in different seasons?; 4) which are the most effective and accurate techniques for analyzing roan habitat selection; 5) what are the most cost-effective management interventions for roan population recovery?; and 6) what factors influence the distribution of snares in RNP and how can poaching via snares be mitigated?


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