Scope for Production and Marketing of Glory Lily (Gloriosa Superba)

Scope for Production and Marketing of Glory Lily (Gloriosa Superba)
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Язык: Русский
The world is moving towards the natural medicine due the absence of any side effects in its application. Medicinal plant has got importance in this scenario and the production and marketing of these medicinal plants are confined to specific locations. One such wonder plant is Glory lily (Gloriosa superba), which has got much importance in India’s export basket and earn more foreign exchange. Alkaloids extracted from this plant are used in pharmaceuticals in large. This book explores the details of economic aspects of production and marketing of Glory lilly. It contains cost and returns in production, resource use efficiency, marketing channels and price spread throughout the channels and the constraints in production and marketing were also identified. The book will be highly useful to medicinal plant researchers, producers, pharmaceutical industry, exporters and policy makers.


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