Smoking in Keffi: Islamic Solution

Smoking in Keffi: Islamic Solution
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Язык: Русский
Smoking is one of the greatest causes of illness and premature death in many countries. This book gives reasons why smoking is so harmful. It also lists the benefits of stopping the culturally and Islamically deviant practice. It is universally accepted that smoking has many serious health and life hazards complications. These hazards affects not only the smoker himself but those around him as well. No one can deny the harmful effects that it has on one's body, financial condition, society and religion. Islamic law (Shari’ah) has stressed the importance of being in good health to the extent that the Prophet (peace be upon him) even instructed Muslims in all ages to strike a balance in eating and drinking so as to evade any harmful effects on their health. Therefore, a more worthy reason to quit smoking is to adhere to the command of Almighty Allah and the instructions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), to eat and drink healthy and refrain from harmful substances. Almighty Allah Says: “O you who believed! Eat from the good [i.e., lawful] things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah, if it is [indeed] Him that you worship.” [Quran 2: 172].


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