The Answers (Volume 1)

The Answers (Volume 1)
Раздел: CreateSpace
Доступно в форматах: EPUB | PDF | FB2
Язык: Русский
Have you ever asked yourself the questions, a??What happened to my life? Have I achieved all that I set out to do? Am I happy? Do I have faith in God? Do I have a purpose? What happened to my youth? The answers to these questions are totally individuala?¦or are they? Is it possible that the same answers our character Max seeks in this entertaining and emotionally-gripping story turn out to be the same answers that just about every human being seeks? This is a story you will want to read over and over again and then share it with family and friends. It may be fiction, but the situations and the questions that Max has, are so true-to-life that you will be able to slip yourself into many if not every part of them. Leta??s face it, we all have many questions about life as we grow older, but do you have a man who one day appears in your bathroom mirror and proceeds to guide you towards life-changing revelations? Who helps lift you out of a state of growing-old depression? Who sheds light on your questions about your own sexuality, attractiveness, self-worth and nagging questions about God and if there really is a heaven? This is an adventure where nearly every human being who is ageing could replace Maxa??s name with their own and laugh, cry and find peace of mind within the answers that one may glean from within the pages of this book. Thoroughly entertaining and delightfully reala?¦a story that will touch many lives in a truth-revealing and positive way. Max Silverstein is an ageing, retired man who is about to turn sixty. He is depressed and questions his self-worth, his ageing process and his faith in God and the world around him...until the night he is stunned by the reflection of a man in his bathroom wall mirror. The journey through his days from that night on is both emotionally-gripping and humerous as Max discovers the answers to his questions about life, about faith, God, romance, ageing and just about every question that Max ever had about life itself. Baby-boomers and mature adults alike will read this again and again as Max could be any one of us who seek real answers to life's real questions.


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