The Early Church is the Mirror for Today's Church

The Early Church is the Mirror for Today's Church
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Язык: Русский
We live in a world of globalization. Those things which people thought that will not happen are happening. The things prophesied by prophets and Jesus Christ are taking place nowadays. A lot of church denominations have been started. Every church denomination has its own kind of teaching and belief. Every church denomination claims to be biblical in her teachings. Whether a church is the ‘true church’ or not is determined by comparing its teachings and practices to the teachings and practices of the New Testament church which are recorded mainly in the book of Acts of the Apostles. There is a big danger for a certain church denomination to put an emphasis only in one area of teaching and leave other teachings beside which are also important in the body of Christ. In order to have the balance, we need to notice the characteristics and teachings from the early church and see what we should be doing today. Specifically the study focuses on the Biblical teachings and practices of the early church compared to today’s church. It is my prayer that as you read this book God will minister to you in a special way. Be Blessed.Thanks.


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