The Integration of Decision Support Systems

The Integration of Decision Support Systems
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Язык: Русский
Due to pecuniary and human resources constraints for library processes support, library managers are usually confronted with the need to justify their every action, in particular the library’s operating budget. They need to obtain a comprehensive and integrated view of the library operations and the services emanating from the same. This view is helpful for making decisions on the current operations and in identifying areas of improvement. The human intuitive judgment and decision-making can be far from optimal and it deteriorates even further with complexity and stress. Since managers in most cases work under strenous conditions, they require help, especially when faced with challenging situations that require cognitive abilities. Decision Support Systems (DSS) aid human cognitive deficiencies by integrating various sources of information, providing intelligent access to relevant knowledge, and by aiding the process of structuring decisions. Work presented demonstrates the application of DSS and Digital Library technologies implemented in a client-server environment to develop an integrated Library Decision Support System that aids the library management’s decision-making process.


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