The Need for Political and Economic Governance in the EU

The Need for Political and Economic Governance in the EU
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Язык: Русский
The EU is a sui generis formation based on institutional transnational governance. Though, the EU is not a political and economic union. This creates many problems to its member-states. In this book we will have a closer look in two major problems in Greece and the lessons EU should get from the Greek experience: First, we focus on the phenomenon of illegal economic immigration that is a major problem in the EU-27. Greece is a “gate” for illegal economic immigrants entering the EU, because of its geographical position. The confrontation of the illegal economic immigration must be a common priority in European level. We need a common migration policy. Second, we turn our attention to the Greek economic crisis. The global financial crisis revealed the Eurozone weaknesses and the need for economic governance. Greek fiscal problem reflects the necessity for the creation of a European Ministry of Economics. Lisbon Treaty did not create a cohesive system of political governance in the European Union. We need “more Europe”, an economically and politically united Europe able to fulfill its role in global level.


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