Theories of Developmental Psychology

Theories of Developmental Psychology
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Always reflective of the latest research and thinking in the field, Patricia Miller's acclaimed text offers an ideal way to help students understand and distinguish the major theoretical schools of child development. This fully updated new edition includes a new focus on biological theories of development, and offers new instructor resource materials.   A parallel structure within the chapters gives students a framework for comparing theoretical approaches. Each major theory is discussed in terms of general orientation, mechanisms of development, its' strengths and weaknesses, its' applications, the historical context that led to its' development, and in an all new section the contemporary research associated with it. Four central issues are addressed in each chapter• What is the basic nature of humans?• Is developmental qualitative or quantitative?• How do nature and nurture contribute to development?• What is it that develops? In-depth look at all aspects of?theory including biographical sketches of the main developmental theorists and clarifying examples of the behaviors that suggest a theory. Offers perspectives on children's behavior for those who interact with children in any capacity.   New focus on biological theories of development and latest research breakthroughs New supplementary package


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