Towards a theology of sexual pleasure

Towards a theology of sexual pleasure
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Язык: Русский
Happiness and fullness of life for the whole human person is the Good News preached by Jesus. It may be strange to find that many people consider Christianity as opposed to happiness. This is especially true with regard to sexual pleasure. It is pertinent to verify whether Christianity is against sexual pleasure, as well as to make a self-criticism of its approach to sexual pleasure. Any serious attempt to understand the Church’s teaching on sexuality demands a committed research into its tradition rooted in the scriptures, and into the philosophical and cultural context in which the Church has been trying to live the mystery of human life revealed in Jesus Christ. This research is an attempt to analyse the various trends in the theological approach to sexual pleasure from the biblical times to the present day. Understanding the meaning and significance of sexual pleasure and accepting it positively and creatively will foster the goodness of the family, and thus the life of the Christian community and the entire society. This book will be helpful for theologians and students of theology, as well as for couples who want to live meaningfully their life of intimate love.


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