Transformation of Local Government using Customer Profiling UK

Transformation of Local Government using Customer Profiling UK
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Язык: Русский
This exciting text keeps pace with cutting edge themes addressing issues that inform decisions of transformation in local government using customer profiling; e-government; role of customer profiling in local government; process re-engineering and change management; IT-driven approaches to customer profiling; and concerns of implementing customer profiling. Customer profiling helps provide service excellence through gaining a profound awareness of customer groups, their needs and provision of evidence for decision making, thereby increasing the efficiency of services and information delivery to citizens. This text presents findings from case studies on the benefits accrued from customer profiling. Customer profiling is a theme of the transformational government agenda intended to transform services to ‘e’ enabled services through e-government. Porter’s value chain model addresses the evidence gap by providing a framework to accelerate the implementation of customer profiling. While best practice towards customer value creation and enhanced competitiveness are specified.


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