Transition metal based organometal compounds: antimicrobial agent

Transition metal based organometal compounds: antimicrobial agent
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Язык: Русский
The development of bioactive organometallic compound is one of the biggest achievements made in chemistry which has a significant effect on everyday life. Remarkable improvement in humanity’s progress has been observed from the “Hydrocarbons” to the “Allylic compounds” to the “Aryl compounds” to the “Organometallic compound”. “Organometallic compound” is now a household word. Organometallic compound derived from transition metal ions are defined as hybrid substances which are composed of metal ions or clusters connected by poly topic organic linkers via strong coordination bonds. Organometallic compound sometimes referred to as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) or organometallic compounds. In recent years, the design and construction of organometallic compound have attracted increasing attention. The aim of this book is to provide a brief knowledge about Organometallic compound. We have included the synthesis of various novel organic ligands and their metal complexes and their characterization by various spectroscopic and thermal techniques.


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