Uses of Outcome Measures in Rehabilitation Units in Midlands of UK

Uses of Outcome Measures in Rehabilitation Units in Midlands of UK
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Objective, To explore professionals’ uses of outcome measurements and to investigate the barrier from using them in clinical practice. Design A self designed questionnaire survey sent by post with a phone call reminder. Participants Rehabilitation professionals who are currently working in (NHS Rehabilitation Trust Units) in Midland of UK Key words: Outcome Measures, TBI, Rehabilitation. Results : Questionnaires were sent to 14 TBI centers, (response rate 32%). More than 24 % of the respondent, professional’s uses on-standardised outcome measures in their routine clinical practice. The most commonly used were the Rivermead Mobility index , HAD’S and EKOS . Of the barriers to using outcome measures, time required to administer the tests and lack of familiarity with functional tests were nominated by more than 80% of respondents. What remains unclear is the extent to which the measures are being used appropriately. Conclusion : Outcome measures within clinical practice is still in its infancy and need to develop , as many clinicians still questioning outcome measures application, benefits and the access to it.


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