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Распутин и евреи. Воспоминания личного секретаря Григория Распутина
Раздел: Россия в XIX - начале XX вв.
Язык: Русский
Прижизненное издание.Рига, 1921 год. Издательство "Orient".Владельческий переплет с наклеенной оригинальной обложкой.Сохранность хорошая.В своих воспоминаниях личный секретарь Григория Распутина перед ...
Ecology of Genetically Modified Wheat:
Язык: Русский
Years after the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) plants, the debate about their potential risks and benefits is still ongoing. Surprisingly little is known about interactions between GM ...
Public Content Filtering and Internet Control
Язык: Русский
China is one of the booming countries in the global economic competition. No larger international company from abroad can avoid at least thinking of investing in this growing market. Nevertheless, Chi ...
Study of Digital Image Watermarking in Curvelet Domain
Язык: Русский
The rapid development of Internet caused a set of challenging problems regarding security. Everyone can duplicate the digital data without permission. Therefore, it raised the awareness of the copyrig ...
Forest and Livelihoods in Developing Countries
Язык: Русский
The present book entitled: ‘Forest and Livelihoods in Developing Countries: Towards Sustainable Tropical Forest Management and Conservation'' contains explanations and discussions regarding: Forest ...