
Homeless Perceptions

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School faculty play an important role in the education and success of homeless students. Faculty’s attitudes and perceptions of homeless students could influence their relationship with them. This st ...

HIV/AIDS education in secondary schools in Cameroon:

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This study describes secondary school students’ HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and behaviour and compares these aspects in two secondary schools in Yaounde-Cameroon. One school runs a formal HIV/AIDS e ...

Women and Work Participation

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‘Teaching’ remains to be one of the most preferred occupations amongst the educated women workforce despite a significant growth in corporate sector employment opportunities in modern times. However, ...

ELT Materials in Iran: An Extensive Evaluation of American Headway

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In Iranian EFL contexts, widely published materials are not used officially in public schools rather, they are utilized informally in language institutions and private colleges. The insufficiency and ...

Learner Support in Chinese Distance Higher Education

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This research is an exploration of learner support for part-time, distance learners studying in the China Radio & TV Universities (CRTVUs), the world’s largest distance higher education system. It aim ...
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