
Awareness Of Local Government Finances On Community Development

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Local government is the third tier of government almost in every nation. It is the government that imparts more on the community by providing needed developmental infrastructure. The federal governmen ...

E-governance in India : A Case Study of Lokmitra in Himachal Pradesh

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LokMitra (Friend of People) is a web-enabled E-Governance project providing a range of government to citizen (G2C), government to Business (G2B) and government to government (G2G) services in the stat ...

The Process of Democratization in Malaysia

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This book seeks to examine the relationship between civil society and the process of democratization in Malaysia. Civil society is a key point in democratization strategies and Civil Society Organizat ...

The role of local municipalities in the promotion of the internationalization of firms

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This study intends to establish a bridge in the review of the literature on internationalization of firms and decentralization. It focuses on Portugal, a small European country where internationalizat ...

Политика США в постбиполярный период

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Язык: Русский
Рассмотрение влияния высших правительственных и военных кругов США на геополитическую обстановку региона Среднего и Ближнего Востока, а так же севера Африки, анализ экспансионистской политики США по к ...
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