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Challenging Health Care Rationing Decisions in England

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Язык: Русский
In the modern NHS the rationing of health care resources has become inevitable. However, patients who have been refused treatment seem to be more and more eager to use litigation to access healthcare. ...

Способы обеспечения исполнения обязательств

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Язык: Русский
Способы обеспечения исполнения обязательств относятся к числу тех юридических понятий, интуитивное понимание которых профессионалами зачастую оказывается значительно продуктивнее, чем попытки его рац ...

Metaphoric Notions of Educational Leadership in Bhitai’s Poetry

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Язык: Русский
There are many studies which describe the qualities of Bhitai as a great poet, Sufi and revolutionary thinker. Now, there is a need to explore new dimensions of his poetry and related to social, econo ...

Refugees in the Mediterranean

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Язык: Русский
The recent uprisings in Northern African countries took by surprised all European member states and probably the entire world. Thousands of people fled their country of origin toward other parts of N ...

Human Rights Scenario in India - An Overview

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Язык: Русский
HUMAN RIGHTS are natural rights without which we cannot live. Human beings are rational. They by virtue of their being human possess certain basic and inalienable rights which are commonly known as ...
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