
Assessment of facial profile of North Indians

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In the art and science of orthodontics, facial form and esthetics are always an important consideration. The success of orthodontic treatment is related to the improvement gained in patient’s facial a ...

Articulators in Dentistry

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Articulating anything is like carving statue. On building a statue, a sculptor does not keep adding clay to his subject; actually he keeps chiseling at the un-essentials until the truth is revealed ...

Gingival and Periodontal Diseases in Children and Adolescents

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Periodontium is a connective tissue covered by epithelium,that attaches the teeth to the bones of jaws and provides a continuous adapting apparatus for support of teeth during function. Periodontium c ...

Dental Practice And Geriatric Patients

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The elderly population has been growing steadily since the last century. Certainly, the improving living conditions, advances in medicine and the bio¬medical sciences have been major factors in the in ...

Temporomandibular Disorders and Prosthetic Replacement of Missing Teeth

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Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have been recognized by the American Association of Dental Research (AADR)as a group of musculoskeletal conditions which involve the temporomandibular joint or joint ...
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