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Lived Stories of an Artist-Teacher

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Язык: Русский
Through the introduction of the researcher’s lived experiences as a high school art teacher, some issues became visible: self-questioning of her ability as an effective art teacher; teaching topics w ...

The Paradox of Island Heritage in Nation Building

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Язык: Русский
This research is not about tourism development. It is instead concerned about enriching and developing cultural and human capital within tourism environments. It is a study which recognizes the ‘place ...

Applied Drama through Narratives

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Язык: Русский
This study attempts to explore the use of narrative in various Applied Drama contexts. In the arguments of this study, the word narrative stands for personal stories from the participants’ own lives o ...

London To Las Vegas

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Язык: Русский
London To Las Vegas is a romantic novel depicting the life of beautiful dancer Kathleen Wayre, and her rise from poverty in England to American stardom. Born illegitimately in 1918, Kathleen is ad ...

Мост через Бездну. Книга 2. В пространстве христианской культуры, Паола Волкова

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Страниц: 400
Год издания: 2015
Язык: Русский
Господство христианства в средневековом мире породило всю современную культуру, в пространстве которой мы существуем от рождения до самой смерти - именно об этом рассказывает Паола Дмитриевна Волкова ...
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