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Factors influencing hulling among coffee farmers in Masaka district

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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors underlying the adoption of coffee hulling by farmers, and to estimate the price elasticities for hulled and unhulled coffee sold. 300 farmers were ...

Tissue Culture Role in Echinacea purpurea Plant Propagation

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Echinacea purpurea considered one of the most important economical plants, because of it's value as an ornamental plant and as a medicinal plant enters through many drugs especially which stimulate im ...

Environmental Consequences of Animal Production

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Язык: Русский
Sustainable animal production implies a careful balance between the animal’s genetic potential and the quality and quantity of nutrients consumed. For this purpose, an adequate supply of amino acids a ...

A Book on Integrated Nitrogen Management In Grain Amaranth

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Язык: Русский
Emotions can’t be adequately expressed in words. The author’s acknowledgement is more than what he has expressed here. Indeed the words at my command are not adequate to convey the depth of my feeling ...

Микромицеты рода Trichoderma в защите огурца от болезней

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Язык: Русский
В монографии проанализированы распространенность, развитие, симптоматика болезней огурца: корневой, белой и серой гнилей, уточнен видовой состав возбудителей болезней. На основании культуральных призн ...