Attitude of Youth Toward NGOs

Attitude of Youth Toward NGOs
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The youth in India, constituting more than one third of the Country’ population is a vital and vibrant resource, which, according to the Policy Statement of Government of India 2008, has to be made not only the beneficiaries of but also valuable partners in the process of planning and development. In order to facilitate that these young men and women contribute towards national development in a big way, they should be effectively involved in the process of decision making. Keeping this in mind, I decided to conduct a research which could lead to answers to the objectives as in relation to my subject of study “Attitude of youth towards NGO’s". Whether the average youth is aware about the services being offered by NGO’s. To try and derive out how youth can contribute to various issues. To analyze various issues prevailing in the society and how being part of the NGO’s and being volunteers can help to resolve them. Finally to know and understand Marketing mix of NGO’s. For this purpose youth from age of 15-29 years were taken for the study. the Questionnaires of research were filled by various students, entrepreneurs, service persons, NGO volunteers.


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