Generation of Bio-Crypto Key from Cancellable Fingerprint Template

Generation of Bio-Crypto Key from Cancellable Fingerprint Template
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Original Contributions: In the process of meeting our aims and objectives, we made the following contributions: •Proposing two efficient techniques each generating a bio-crypto key from fingerprints using cancellable templates. •Generating efficient irrevocable cryptographic keys from fingerprint biometrics using cancellable biometric templates, using a method composed of three phases: (i)Minutiae points’ extraction from the fingerprint image: It is same in both of our methods, however, in the first method, Gabor filters are used whereas in the second method Wiener filters are used, for better results. (ii)Cancellable template generation with added security: Proposing two novel approaches to Secured Feature Matrix Generation and for Generating Bio-Crypto Keys from Secured Feature Matrix (iii)Cryptographic key generation from Secured Cancellable template: Proposing two novel approaches to Secured Feature Matrix Generation and for Generating Bio-Crypto Keys from Secured Feature Matrix •Studying the comparative analysis of our proposed methods with the algorithms of previous approaches, and finally discussing the security analysis of the four methods against imposter attacks.


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