Spiritual Renaissance of 2012

Spiritual Renaissance of 2012
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The book “Spiritual Renaissance of 2012. Holism and time travels” written on the basis of studying about 300 monographies and articles on philosophy, transpersonal psychology, theoretical physics and religious studies, for the first time in the science addresses the whole history of development and modern condition of holism. The Evolution of individual consciousness is considered as having been developed from chaos (disharmony, “Hell”) to the order (harmony, “Paradise”) through realization of the person''s aspiration to the integrity (Absolute). In the final part of the book the author makes an attempt to go out of the limits of the integrity (Absolute) by denying the reality (“nothing-concept”). The separate part of the research is devoted to an opportunity of time travels in the holistic space. The book is of interest to philosophers, psychologists, physicists; people aspiring to raise their spiritual level, and everybody who is interested in the latest interdisciplinary researches in the field of the new scientific paradigm.


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