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Real-Time Construction Project Performance Assessment

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Язык: Русский
Construction industry development depends on a deliberate effort to improve upon the performance of projects being implemented. This requires measuring the performance of key activities on projects us ...

Determinants Of Investing In Biogas Technology Among Rural Households

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Язык: Русский
Access to energy resources in Africa presents challenges to human health, environmental health, and economic development. With Kenya striving to achieve the millennium development goals of 2015 and Vi ...

Environment and Health Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme

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Язык: Русский
After the first three calls for proposals, over 70 multidisciplinary pan-European research projects dealing with environment and health issues have been funded by the European Commission’s Research an ...

Significance of nonculturable Escherichia coli in drinking water

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Язык: Русский
The detection of Escherichia coli in drinking water supply systems traditionally indicates on the recent fecal pollution. However, this approach has occasionally failed to explain several waterborne o ...

Из Перу с любовью

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Язык: Русский
Перед вами – путевые заметки отца и сына, Валерия и Глеба Савченко. Живой язык, отличное чувство юмора, способность находить приключения в самых таинственных, красивых и необычных уголках планеты – во ...
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